Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week 5 Day 6

Right now, I am sipping on some green tea as I sit in front of my laptop typing this. =) Feels good to have a drink I like. Yes caffeine is bad but i'll just have one cup to make my day better!

I had lots and lots of nausea today. And feelings of bloatedness. Mealtimes are no longer as enjoyable as they are. My nausea does NOT go away when i eat anymore. Oh well, at least these symptoms mean that baby is growing well? Or that there is enough progesterone in my blood, enough for the baby and to make me nauseous... Who said becoming a mum was easy?

On another note, the discharge got a lot lesser today. =) the amount is back to what i used to see 2 weeks ago. I hope that it stays this way or better still, stops totally. One can always hope!

Within these couple of weeks of pregnancy (to be exact, 13 days since i found out i was pregnant), I have found great admiration for each and every woman who has had gone through this journey. The discomfort that a pregnant woman feels daily... is really no fun at all! =X But i guess like everything in life, the discomfort passes with time and people forget about it. I would not say that my pregnancy symptoms are horrible, but they are definitely not pleasant.

And for now, i'm taking one day at a time. =) Praying that baby will grow up stronger, slowly but surely.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 5 Day 5

I am currently in week 5 day 5 of my pregnancy. I am currently resting at home because of spotting issues. Here is my story thus far...

I found out that I was pregnant on 14 March 2014, at about 8pm. I had missed my period earlier that day and being someone who has very regular periods, I decided to pee on one of those home pregnancy test stick. I brought a stick with me into my shower, peed on it and took a look. There was a single pink line only, which indicated that I was not pregnant. So I left the stick aside and went on to shower. A few minutes later, while shampooing my hair, I decided to take another look at the stick. And there it was, 2 lines present - One dark line (control line) and another faint but definitely visible line. It feels unreal as I finish up my shower. I shared the news with my husband, parents, and a couple of close friends. My dad was perhaps the most excited person of all! =p

I verified my pregnancy with a Clear Blue test kit the next day at work. The test turned positive almost immediately and I was sure then that I was pregnant. Had a chat with my husband who was very excited about becoming a daddy. He seldom gets excited about things and hearing his excitement over the phone did put a big smile on my face.

All was good until Sunday, when I started to have spotting (dark brown discharge) in the morning. I thought things would resolve on its own but when it didn't by night time, my parents accompanied me to KKH 24 hour clinic to have a check. I did another urine test, which was positive. The dr did a check and said that I have stopped bleeding and a transvaginal ultrasound which showed nothing cause it was too early in the pregnancy. I also had a beta HCG test, which showed my HCG level to be 1265.2. Medicine wise, the dr only gave me some folic acid because there was no pregnancy that could be visualised then. She gave me a day off work and that was that.

I was scheduled for another blood test about 2-3 days later. So on Wednesday morning, I went in to the clinic again and got my beta HCG blood test done. The figures had more than doubled to 3472 by then! The dr said that the HCG levels were increasing nicely and told me to take things easy and come in for a scan the following week. The spotting was still present but the dr (who was the same lady who saw me on sunday night) said that she was unlikely to see anything new on the scan since it has only been 3 days (2.5 to be exact) so we did not do another scan.

Later that very afternoon, my spotting increased and turned to red. I freaked out at work and called my dad who was luckily nearby. He brought me to the kkh clinic again. This time, another older dr did a scan for me and this was the very first time when I saw a gestational sac on my ultrasound. The dr said this meant that my baby is growing and started me on duphaston pills. I also got 3 days off work to rest at home.

I stayed home for 4 days straight. The spotting did not stop but it did not seem to increase too.

On Sunday 23 March, I went out to Orchard to meet two of my close friends for brunch. All was good until after brunch, when I saw a trail of blood when I peed. Another trip to KKH and another scan. This time, the scan showed a yolk sac, within the gestational sac! =) The dr increased my progesterone pills to three times a day instead of two.

Monday 24 March 2014. I started feeling nauseous. I didn't puke but I just had this queasy feeling the whole day. The only time I felt good is when I was eating food! Although after meals, I did feel uneasy yet again! =( I was very tired by the end of a day. As I walk quite a bit at work, I noticed that my spotting increased quite significantly on Monday. I was not too keen to go back to KKH as I wanted to seek the opinion of an obstetrician who I could follow up with throughout my entire pregnancy.

I had decided on an obstetrician, Prof Biswas from NUH, a few days ago. This is because I have heard good reviews about him from my friend, colleagues and read good reviews about him online. I managed to bring forward my appointment with him to yesterday, 25 March 2014. He appeared to be a very knowledgeable Dr and did not rush through the consult, even though he was already working overtime, when I got to see him. We saw the same thing as I did on Sunday on the scan, which was a yolk sac within the gestational sac. He gave me 3 days of MC and told me to rest plenty. I was also given a hydroxyprogesterone injection on my butt and asked to continue with the duphaston pills.

And now, I am taking my rest at home. =)

This pregnancy has been very eventful so far. The term "threatened miscarriage" has been used to diagnose my condition many times. To be truthful, I was very sick and tired of all the hospital trips a few days back. I honestly did not think that becoming pregnant would be so troublesome? Yet, slowly but surely, I have come to accept that my pregnancy might just be different from the usual ones I know about, just like how everyone's lives is different. Things are just happening the way they are meant to happen. The more I read, and the more I learn about pregnancy, I more I appreciate the fact that each and every person walking on the street is a miracle. =)

It is not easy to conceive and it is not easy to bring the baby to full term.

I am just taking things easy right now. My discharge is still present but much less than what it was on Monday and Tuesday. Am I worried? Yes, I am. But I have come to accept that this pregnancy is something that I cannot control in my life. Dear God, I pray that you will help this baby grow stronger and healthier each day. And I pray for you to allow me to carry this baby to full term without complications.

Do my best and leave the rest to the powers above. =)